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värmdö brewery
Ingarö, Sweden

We brew and pour everything from light beer to sour lingon beer. We brew a traditional series of different strengths with varieties like IPA, Golden...

butik på värmdö
Gällnö, Sweden

Gällnö Café and General Store Our hope is that you can come to Gällnö without having to bring any food with you from the mainland. We...

Siggesta Gård
Siggesta Gård AB, Värmdö, Sverige

Siggesta Farm is a modern farm out in the countryside but close to Stockholm city. During your visit with us you can truly relax with fresh...

Stor matsal med bar och ljuskrona
Odelbergs väg, Gustavsberg, Sweden

Kattholmen is a historic place on Värmdö that we have had the honor of refining into what will be a permanent and high-class destination. Our...

fågelbrokrog på värmdö
Fågelbro Krog, Fågelbrovägen, Värmdö, Sweden

Fågelbro Krog After 22 years as restaurateurs at Wermdö Golf & Country Club, Fredrik Westerlund and Stefan Hummelgren have been running Fågelbro Krog since 2017. Fågelbro krog...

bullerö gästhem
Bullerö naturreservat, NÄMDÖ BULLERÖN, Nämdö, Sweden

Bullerö naturreservat Gästhem Bullerö Hostel has 16 beds divided into two houses. The houses are from the period “Skärkarsepoken”. The cottage was built in 1720 from...

always open bed and breakfast
Hemmesta, Sweden

We have a total of 3 rooms with up to 6 beds. It is also possible to increase the number of beds by prior arrangement. Room...

wermdö golf and country club
Wermdö Golf & Country Club, Torpavägen, Värmdö, Sweden

Wermdö Golf & Country Club is a golf course in the Stockholm archipelago that offers fantastic greens, a dynamic golf course and all round high...

dennys home
Värmdö, Sweden

At Dennys' Home you can find furniture, gifts. jewellery, candles and much more. You will always get friendly personal service here and free delivery when you...

hemmesta library
Hemmesta, Sweden

Borrow books, films, music and magazines. Our events calendar will keep you updated about all the great things we are up to here for all...