Gottholmarundanoch Tjustviksrundan – trails
Gottholma rundan (trail) (see the document “Gula och röda spåret”)
Signed: Yellow.
Length: 2.4 km.
Character: Easily walked. Cross a culturally rich landscape with horses at pasture during the summer months.
Not adapted for child prams.
Starting point: Farsta Slottsvik (Gustavsberg).
Tjustviks runda – trail (see the document “Yellow and Red Track”)
signed: Red. posts with wooden signs.
Length: 5 km.
Character: Easily walked.
Two resting places at Baggensfjärden. Stroller friendly with the exception of stoney shores besides Baggensfjärden.
Starting point: Farsta Slottsvik (Gustavsberg).
To get here you can park at the Health Centre and go a little bit along the water, alternatively take the bus 425X, 428-430 or 467 and get off at the health centre.