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Möja, Sverige

The vast majority of the extensive archipelago is part of Storö-Bockö-Lökön's almost two thousand hectares of nature reserve, or the Möjareservat, as it is also...

möja inn
Möja, Sweden

Welcome to Möja, one of the archipelago's most alive and beautiful islands in the outer part of the central archipelago on the border with the...

möja hembygdmuseum
Möja, Sverige

Möja hembygdsmuseum consists of three houses, two of which were built in the 1700's and the other was built at a later date and is...

möja church 2
Möja Kyrka, MÖJA BERGS BY, Möja, Sweden

The church got its present appearance during a restoration that began in 1924 updating the interior and giving the church a very welcoming and pleasant...

wikströms fish
Wikströms Fisk, MÖJA RAMSMORA, Möja, Sweden

Wikströms Fisk opened in 1990 as a natural development of our fish boutique that we had driven for a number of years. It started very...